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Q-Top Privacy Policy - KineQuick Appointment Management

Version 1.1

This page was last updated on 29/01/2020

This privacy policy applies to the KineQuick Appointment Management service. This service is offered as an optional extra for KineQuick Connect patient administration. You should be aware that Q-Top is not responsible for the privacy practices of other sites and resources. Byusing this website, you indicate your acceptance of the privacy policy.

Q-Top respects the privacy of the users of this service and ensures that the personal information you provide is processed confidentially in accordance with the GDPR legislation enforceable since May 25th, 2018.

Our use of collected data

Use of this service

With the use of this service you give Q-Top permission to process personal and appointment data on behalf of your therapist.

Q-Top has taken the necessary organizational and technical measures to safeguard the integrity and confidentiality of the data collected. These measures correspond to the nature of the personal data and are proportionate to the possible seriousness of the risk. The risk of accidentalor unauthorized destruction, loss, alteration or access to, and any other unauthorized processing of the data is minimized.

Furthermore, we only keep the data that is necessary for the execution of this service that has been endorsed by your therapist.

The data will only be processed for these purposes.

Obtaining the data

This information will be provided by you, the person concerned, when using the service for the needs of the therapist.


Q-Top is a processor for your therapist's needs. Therefore, at the initiative of Q-Top, there will be no communication to the users of this service other than communication via this service.


Cookies are not used on this website.


We do not collect or use information for purposes other than those described in this privacy policy.

Third parties

The information is processed on behalf of your therapist.

Access to your data

The therapist who has subscribed to this service, and makes it available tohis patients, owns this data and has access to it. Interventions by Q-Top are carried out by authorized personnel.


This privacy statement is tailored to the use of this service. Any modifications and/or changes to this site may lead to changes in this privacy statement. It is therefore advisable to consult this privacy statement on a regular basis.


Visitors who wish to make use of the possibility to view, change or delete all personal information should contact the therapist who has registered the service.

Questions and feedback

We regularly check our compliance with this privacy policy. If you have any questions or comments about this privacy policy, please contact us: Q-Top bvba, DPO, Kiezelweg 6, 3530 Houthalen-Helchteren, 011 52 57 06,